Motivational Monday

Raise your hand if you can relate to today’s motivation 🙋🙋🙋
Looking back on the past few weeks, h o l y guacamole how am I still alive? Between my new job and finals and more finals this week, my brain is actually so full I can’t even believe it. BUT the end is in sight! Read More

Motivational Monday

As I mentioned in last week’s
Friday 5, Starbucks and I have parted ways. I’m still feeling pretty sad about it, but as a character in my formerly favorite tv show (before stupid Shonda decided to throw a major plot twist and force me to never watch never again) Ellis Grey always said “the carousel keeps on turning”, and as such, my life has to go on without my discount, and it starts today as I have my first day at my new grown up job!

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Motivational Monday

I saw this picture while doing my morning scroll on Instagram and it really spoke to me today.
I have made a lot of grown up decisions lately and I’m still waiting (//hoping!) to see the benefits. As much as I wish that I could just snap my fingers and get what I want, life doesn’t work that way. And I would probably find something to complain about even if that was the case.
Plus, I really do believe that the harder you work for something, the more value it holds.

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